I live in the western suburbs of Chicago. I planned on building from scratch and was in the planning stage including driuvetrain possibilities when a friend found a sick RX7. He wanted the body and offered me the running gear and electrics. So that choice was sort of made for me. We stripped the car and split the parts.
With a pile 'o car parts sitting in my garage, it was then that a partially finished project jumped in front of me and pleaded for salvation. It was a CMC chassis kit (cut pieces sent to the customer for them to weld up) originally set up for a Pinto drivetrain.
Now what to do? Do I run a solid rear axle or build up a deDion from the RX7 parts? I decided on a full IRS rear using upper and lower wishbones. That was last year. I will try to fill in with a photo update of the last year's work.
I will be posting my build as I go and asking advice from all. Where I think I can add to a discussion, I will do so.
Please forgive any poor spelling. It is not so much of poor spelling, but of poor typing. My eyes are on the keyboard and not the screen when I type; and I have fat fingers.
