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Meet the McSeven

Post by mcteardrops »

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Post by Dave »

requires a registration - I registered for all of us :D

pass: locost

build is looking good 8)
Last edited by Anonymous on April 27, 2006, 3:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post by derf »

looks like a good start. That trans looks huge though.
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Post by mcteardrops »


Don't have a T5 to compare, but I thought the AOD was much narrower in the bellhousing area ... _=46828648
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Meet the Mc Seven

Post by mcteardrops »


Post by locostv8 »

It seems the MII stick bellhousing was narrower than the Fox, Since the C4 bellhousing is removeable you might check on MII housing to gain a little more foot room.
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Post by legoist »

How is your build progressing? I just bought a 2.3 mustang for a donor, so yours is particularly interesting to me.

Will you have to build higher than +1 to fit the engine?

I look forward to your progress.

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Prefinished aluminum: 49" x 82" x1/16"

Post by mcteardrops »

I picked up three prefinished aluminum sheets : 49" x 82" x1/16" this afternoon from a near-neighbor: So, I guess, the McSeven is now officiallly black. At $40 per sheet I couldn't hold out for corvette yellow!

Can anyone offer any tips for dealing with prefinished material? Is three sheets enough for a 7+442? The guy had about three dozen more sheets. I could grab some, if anyone is interested.

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Re: Prefinished Aluminium: 49" x 82" x1/16"

Post by chetcpo »

mcteardrops wrote:I picked up three prefinished Aluminium sheets : 49" x 82" x1/16" this afternoon from a near-neighbor: So, I guess, the McSeven is now officiallly black. At $40 per sheet I couldn't hold out for corvette yellow!

Can anyone offer any tips for dealing with prefinished material? Is three sheets enough for a 7+442? The guy had about three dozen more sheets. I could grab some, if anyone is interested.


The ones Jeff, JR, and I used are much smaller at 2' x 4', and they cost about $100 for four of them. They have a plastic film bonded to the painted side. It helps resist scratching when you are bending it and hammering it around tubes.

If yours didn't come with the film you will have to be extra careful not to scratch it during the bending process. I put an old bed sheet down on my bending and cutting table to keep the embedded metal shards at bay.

Nice score on the Al, that's an awesome price.
He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has.
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The McSeven revisited

Post by mcteardrops »

It came as a shock to me when GRM published the September First deadline for registration for the $2009 Challange. Of course, I knew all along, but things slip your mind while pidilling away the summer build season with too many other projects and interests. Still I'm detiremined to make it this year, and have bet the $125 entrance fee that I can finish in a one month thrash.

I've got most everything tubular cut, 85% tacked, most of the brackets fabbed. Need to get lengths for swedged upper A-arm links, front struts and tie rods. Springs after I can get a roller on the scales. Hoses and wheel cylinders left to buy, and I'm still under $2009. May end up with broken-not-bent body panels, but I do have the prefinished aluminum.

Wish me luck

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Re: The McSeven revisited

Post by KB58 »

Is there anyone who can help you? Assuming you're spending your full time on this it's still asking an enormous amount.
Midlana book: Build this mid-engine Locost!,
Kimini book: Designing mid-engine cars using FWD drivetrains
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Re: The McSeven revisited

Post by mcteardrops »

I'm taking an auto shop class three nights a week, so I have help with engine and driveline. The preacher's BIG kids are available for heavy lifting. My wife is somewhat available for garage help. Her specialities are knocking things over, losing tools, misplacing parts, kicking loose extension cords, and breaking into tears,

By the way, today is our 35th aniversity.
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Re: The McSeven revisited

Post by KB58 »

mcteardrops wrote:...Her specialities are knocking things over, losing tools, misplacing parts, kicking loose extension cords, and breaking into tears, By the way, today is our 35th aniversity.

:rofl: And I'd bet money she doesn't read this forum... and neither does my wife! I'd like to use that quote in the new book if you don't mind - minus your name of course.
Midlana book: Build this mid-engine Locost!,
Kimini book: Designing mid-engine cars using FWD drivetrains
Both available from
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Re: The McSeven revisited

Post by mcteardrops »

KB58 wrote:
mcteardrops wrote:...Her specialities are knocking things over, losing tools, misplacing parts, kicking loose extension cords, and breaking into tears, By the way, today is our 35th aniversity.

:rofl: And I'd bet money she doesn't read this forum... and neither does my wife! I'd like to use that quote in the new book if you don't mind - minus your name of course.

All it will cost is your autograph on my copy
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The McSeven revisited: Setback

Post by mcteardrops »

My plan was to carry the donor motor to my auto shop class to do the harness trimming, wiring, and fire up. Motor was in the back of the pickup, and tied back against the tailgate. When I stopped after backing in, the gate unlatched, and the lump jumped to the floor.


Broke the cam gear, timing cover, and screwed the timing belt. Found the Hall-effect sensor tower broken on second reassembly attempt, then found the vanes on the back of the crank pulley were bent, only after they took out the Hall sensor. Scavenged one of my parts motors for repair items, then moved everything plus back, after checking out the extent of disassemly required to switch sensors. ($329 new from Ford)

So, as of Wednesday night, I'm back to where I was two weeks ago, minus a timing belt and cover,
and a with a parts engine charged against my $2009 budget
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